The content of this page is maintained by S23M.


S23M is rolling out the following capabilities to ANZIL members in 2022:

  1. An OpenMRS interoperability test environment and test data set that is available on demand, from within the user interface of the S23M Care Platform
  2. The ability to browse, create, and edit IPS data in OpenMRS
  3. On demand data transfer/sync from OpenMRS into the Care Platform
  4. The ability to browse IPS data in the Care Platform
  5. On demand access to a FHIR based and IPS focused API to extract and import data


All integrations between S23M’s healthcare product lines and OpenMRS are done via the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard and the IPS (International Patient Summary) standard. These industry standards facilitate seamless information exchange between healthcare service providers, whilst respecting the limits imposed by patient controlled health data access privileges and regionally applicable data governance policies.